LaRoche, C.Understanding variability and drivers of seawater inorganic carbonate chemistry across temperate nearshore marine systems in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic.
Ph.D Dissertation,University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. Advisor: Scott Doney, 2024
Rubin, Emily Victoria Salt Marsh Migration into Abandoned Agricultural Fields and the Role of Kosteletzkya pentacarpos in Ecosystem Transition.
Ph.D Dissertation, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. Advisor: Linda Blum, 2024
Tassone, S.J.Quantifying Heatwaves and Seagrass Recovery Dynamics in Aquatic Ecosystems,
Ph.D Dissertation,University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. 2023
Brahmey, E. Exploring Spatial and Temporal Differences Between High and Low Frequency Water Quality Data in Coastal Virginia,
M.S. Thesis, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. Advisor: Scott Doney, 2023
Elizabeth Bieri Evaluating Coastal Protection Benefits of Restored Oyster Reef Designs
MS Thesis, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. Advisors: Matthew Reidenbach & Patricia Wiberg, 2022
Qingguang Zhu Sediment Connectivity in the Coupled Tidal Flat-Seagrass-Marsh System
Ph.D dissertation, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. Advisor: Patricia Wiberg, 2022
M.S. Thesis, College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA. Advisor: David S. Johnson, 2022
Brianna Christine IngramThe Role of Spartina patens on U.S. Atlantic Dunes and Beaches: A Review, Examples from the North Carolina Coast, and Implications for Dune Building and Recovery. University of North Carolinia, Chapel Hill, NC. Advisor: Laura J. Moore, 2022
Ieva JuskaExamining Metabolism in Seagrass Meadows: Trends in Respiration and Non-Dissolved Gas Ebullition
M.S. Thesis, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. Advisor: Peter Berg, 2022
Ian R.B. ReevesControls on Sediment Exchange and Connectivity in Coastal Barrier Systems and Implications for Long-Term Evolution
Ph.D Dissertation, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, . Advisor: Laura Moore, 2021
Sara HoganQuantifying the Distributions and Ecosystem Services of Oyster Reefs within Virginia's Coastal Bays
Ph.D Dissertation, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, . Advisor: Matthew Reidenbach, 2021
Amelie C. Berger Long-term aquatic eddy covariance measurements of seagrass metabolism and ecosystem response to warming oceans
Ph.D Dissertation, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, . Advisor: Peter Berg, 2020
Joseph BrownPlant communities in dynamic systems: how disturbance influences coastal plant community structure and function.
Jesus Ruiz-PlancarteCarbon dioxide exchange between the atmosphere and a temperate salt marsh.
Ph.D Dissertation, Penn. State University, State College, PA. Advisor: Jose Fuentes, 2020
Shannon WalkerBelowground characteristics of dominant coastal dune grasses and potential community-level effects on coastal erosion.
M.S. Thesis, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA. Advisor: Julie Zinnert, 2020
Nicole KellerStimulated growth response to sand burial of a coastal shrub.
M.S. Thesis, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA. Advisor: Julie Zinnert, 2020
Xiaohe ZhangExploring sediment dynamics in coastal bays by numerical modeling and remote sensing
Ph.D Dissertation, Boston University, Boston, MA. Advisor: Sergio Fagherazzi, 2020
Christina Fantasia-Buscher,The Effect of Increasing Acidity and Temperature on an Early Life Stage Crustacean, Callinectes Sapidus. 178 pages.
Ph.D Dissertation, University of Virginia. Charlottesville, VA. December 2020. Advisor: Stephen Macko, 2020
Daniel J. ColemanThe Role Of Suspended Sediment In Assessing Coastal Wetland Vulnerability
Ph.D dissertation, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, William and Mary. Advisor: Matt Kirwan, 2020
Erin L.Heller Factors affecting Western Atlantic red knots (Calidris canutus rufa) and their prey during spring migration on Virginia's barrier islands.
Ph.D dissertation, Virginia Tech. 255 pages. Advisor: Sarah Karpanty, 2020
Jessica Flester Mainland Seaside Salt Marsh Response and Resilience to Sea-Level Rise on The Eastern Shore of Virginia, USA.
M.S. Thesis, University of Virginia. Charlottesville, VA. 157 pages. August 2020. Advisor: Linda Blum, 2020
Philip A. Tuley Comparing coastal storm impact to decadal change in barrier island ecosystems.
M.S., Virginia Commonwealth University. Advisor: Julie Zinnert, 2020
Zhang, Xiaohe "Exploring sediment dynamics in coastal bays by numerical modeling and remote sensing"
Ph.D Dissertation. Advisor: Sergio Fagherazzi, Boston University, 2020.
Martin VolaricOxygen Exchange and Hydrodynamics of Tidal Flat Ecosystems Along the Virginia, USA Coast
Ph.D Dissertation, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, . Advisor: Peter Berg and Matthew Reidenbach, 2019
Audrey Kirschner Planting Density Effects on the Growth of Dune Grasses.
M.S., Virginia Commonwealth University. Advisor: Julie Zinnert, 2019
Besterman, Alice Macroalgal Distribution and Impacts on Intertidal Flats, With Emphasis on the Exotic Species Agarophyton Vermiculophyllum.
Ph.D, University of Virginia. Advisor: Michael Pace, 2019
Sinclair, Michael N. Facilitative and competitive tradeoffs between Morella cerifera seedlings and coastal grasses.
M.S. Thesis Virginia Commonweath University. Advisor: Julie Zinnert, 2019
Kristin B. Raub Coastal Adaptation to Sea Level Rise: Effects of Residential Proximity to the Coast, Climate Change Perceptions, and Attitudes Toward Government for Valuing Ecosystem Outcomes.
M.S. Thesis University of Connecticut. Advisor: Stephen Swallow, 2019
Williams, Bethany LynnThe Role of Ecological Interactions in Saltmarsh Geomorphic Processes
M.S. Thesis
Advisor: David S. Johnson, College of William & Mary, 2018.
Murphy, Elizabeth Marine Biofluidics in Benthic and Naval Systems.
Ph.D dissertation
Advisor: Matthew Reidenbach, University of Virginia, 2018.
Ferguson, Amy Evaluating Nature-Based Solutions to Storm Wave Impacts in the Virginia Coast Reserve.
M.S. Thesis Advisor: Patricia Wiberg, University of Virginia, 2018.
Aoki, Lillian Seagrass as a Coastal Filter: Investigating the Role of Seagrass Meadows in Mediating Nitrogen Cycling in Shallow Coastal Lagoons.
Ph.D dissertation Advisor: Karen McGlathery, University of Virginia, 2018.
Oreska, Matthew. Blue Carbon Benefits of Seagrass Restoration.
Ph.D Dissertation Advisor: Karen McGlathery, University of Virginia, 2018.
Kearney, William S. "Signals of nonlinear, multiscale and stochastic processes in coastal landscapes"
Ph.D Dissertation. Advisor: Sergio Fagherazzi, Boston University, 2018.
Yue, Ian T. "Coastal Protection, Environmental Change, and the Heterogeneity of Preferences: A Case Study of the Eastern Shore of Virginia" (2017).
Master's Thesis. 1066. Advisor: Stephen Swallow, University of Connecticut, 2017.
Palazzoli, Irene "Identification of the most effective factors responsible for the flushing of a tracer in a system of shallow bays"
Master's Thesis. Advisor: Sergio Fagherazzi, Boston University, 2017.
Fernandes, Arnold "The impact of extreme storm surges on Mid-Atlantic coastal forests."
Master's Thesis. Advisor: Sergio Fagherazzi, Boston University, 2017.
Joseph Brown
Emergent interactions influence functional traits and success of dune building ecosystem engineers
MS Thesis. Advisor: Julie Zinnert and Don Young, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2016.
April Harris
Differential responses of barrier island dune grasses to species interactions and burial
MS Thesis. Advisor: Julie Zinnert and Don Young, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2016.
Joseph Thompson
Mechanisms of native shrub encroachment on a Virginia barrier island
MS Thesis. Advisor: Julie Zinnert and Don Young, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2016.
Matthew L. Smith
Groundwater Thresholds for Root Decomposition and the Relation to Barrier Island Ecological State Changes
MS Thesis. Advisor: Frank Day, Old Dominion University, 2015.
Kyle Emery
Coastal bivalve aquaculture carbon cycling, spatial distribution and resource use in Virginia, USA and Baja California, Mexico.
MS Thesis. Advisor: Mike Pace, University of Virginia, 2015.
Emily C. Adams
Blue carbon in freshwater / brackish marshes on the barrier islands of Virginia: Aboveground net primary productivity and carbon pools.
MS Thesis. Advisor: F. Day, Biology, Old Dominion University, 2015.
Theo Jass
Environmental controls on the growth of dune-building grasses
and the effect of plant morphology on coastal foredune formation.
MS Thesis. Advisor: L. Moore, University of North Carolina, 2015.
Nathan M. Sedghi
Blue carbon in coastal freshwater/brackish marshes on the barrier islands of Virginia: Belowground carbon dynamics
MS Thesis. Advisor: F. Day, Biology, Old Dominion University, 2015.
Sherer B. Ethridge
Hydrogeomorphology and horizontal movement of Juncus roemerianus
MS Thesis. Advisor: R. Christian, East Carolinia University, 2015.
Talia Dibbell Burns
Spartina alterniflora Responses to Flooding in Two Salt Marshes on the Eastern Shore of Virginia.
MS Thesis. Advisor: Linda Blum, University of Virginia, 2015.
Janet Walker
Genetic Diversity and Spatial Structure of Spartina alterniflora at Four Spatial Scales
Distinguished Major Thesis. Advisor: Linda Blum, University of Virginia, 2015.
Ross Timmerman
Biophysical Controls on Sediment Suspension in a Shallow Coastal Bay.
MS Thesis. Advisor: Mathew Reidenbach, University of Virginia, 2014.
Alia N. Al-Haj
Sustainable seagrass restoration in the Virginia coastal bays.
MS Thesis. Advisor: Karen McGlathery, University of Virginia, 2014.
Benjamin Dows Roles of seed dispersal and environmental filters in establishment of the dominant shrubs: Morella cerifera and M. pensylvanica, on an Atlantic barrier island
MS Thesis. Advisor: Don Young, Biology, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2014.
Melissa S. Duvall
The Effects of Waves and Tidal Inundation on Sediment Deposition and Flux across a Bay-Marsh Boundary
MS Thesis. Advisor: Pat Wiberg, University of Virginia, 2014.
Emily L. Thomas
Influence of Zostera marina on Wave Dynamics, Sediment Suspension, and Bottom Boundary Layer Development within a Shallow Coastal Bay. MS. Thesis.
MS Thesis. Advisor: Matthew Reidenbach, University of Virginia, 2014.
Anne E Dunkel
N2O Production and Removal in Streambed Sediments:
Understanding Physicochemical Influences on N2O Fluxes from Agricultural Streams on the Eastern Shore of Virginia
MS Thesis. Advisor: Aaron Mills, University of Virginia, 2014.
Sara R. Taube
Impacts of fringing oyster reefs on wave attenuation and marsh erosion rates
MS Thesis. Advisor: Pat Wiberg, University of Virginia, 2013.
Dana J. Gulbransen
Gracilaria vermiculophylla in the Virginia coastal bays: Documenting the distribution
and effects of a non-native species.
Ph.D dissertation. Advisor: Karen McGlathery, University of Virginia, 2013.
David Walters
Overwash deposition increases backbarrier marsh resiliency to sea level rise: insights from a coupled barrier island-marsh model.
MS Thesis. Advisor: Laura Moore, University of North Carolina, 2013.
Jennie E. Rheuban Oxygen metabolism in restored eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) meadows measured by eddy correlation
MS Thesis. Advisor: Peter Berg & Karen McGlather, Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia, 2013. M.S. Thesis
Sheri Shiflett Physiological mechanisms of shrub encroachment: linking enhanced hydraulic capacity to efficient light capture and processing
Ph.D Dissertation. Advisor: Don Young & Julie Zinnert, Biology, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2013.
Molly Hokkanen Environmental influences on sex ratio and spatial distribution of dioecious Morella cerifera L. on a Virginia barrier island.
MS Thesis. Advisor: Don Young, Biology, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2013.
Dirk J. Koopmans
Stream metabolism and groundwater discharge to coastal waters: Applications of the eddy correlation technique.
Ph.D dissertation. Advisor: Peter Berg, University of Virginia, 2013.
Dana Gulbransen
Gracilaria vermiculophylla in the Virginia Coastal Bays: Documenting the Distribution and Effects of a Non-Native Species.
Ph.D dissertation. Advisor: Karen McGlathery, University of Virginia, 2013.
Ph.D dissertation. Advisor: Sergio Fagherazzi, Boston University, 2013.
Jennifer C. R. Hansen
The effects of waves and turbulence on sediment suspension and mixing within seagrass ecosystems.
Ph.D dissertation. Advisor: Matthew Reidenbach, University of Virginia, 2013.
Jennifer M. Johnson.
Geomorphic consequences of wave climate alteration along cuspate coastlines.
MS Thesis. Advisor: Laura Moore, University of North Carolina, 2013.
Jill Greiner
Assessing the importance of seagrass restoration to "blue carbon" sequestration in shallow coastal waters
MS Thesis. Advisor: K. Mcglathery, University of Virginia, 2013.
George S. McFadden
Streambed Sediments of Virginia Eastern Shore Streams are Poised for Pore-Water Dentrification.
MS Thesis. Advisor: Janet Herman & Aaron Mills, University of Virginia, 2013.
Tammy L. Viggato
The effect of evaporation and nutrient enrichment on the erodability of mudflats in a mesotidal estuary.
MS Thesis. Advisor: Sergio Fagherazzi, Boston University, 2013.
Laura K. Reynolds.
Genetic diversity and structure of natural and restored seagrass meadows on the Eastern Shore of Virginia: Causes and ecological consequences.
Ph.D dissertation. Advisor: Karen McGlathery, University of Virginia, 2012.
Rachel E. Michaels.
Interactions amoung flood regime, sediment type and bioturbation within salt marsh systems in the context of relative sea-level rise.
Ph.D dissertation. Advisor: Jay Zieman, University of Virginia, 2012.
Dana J. Oster.
The Influence of Morphology on Earner Island Recovery Following: Storms: Insights from the Virginia Barrier Islands* Mid-Atlantic Bight, USA
MS Thesis. Advisor: Laura Moore, University of Virginia, 2012.
Dominic J. Graziani
Thresholds of change in decomposition rate along a dune/swale transect on a Virginia barrier island.
MS Thesis. Advisor: F. Day, Biology, Old Dominion University, 2012.
Owen T. Brenner.
The Complex Influences of Backbarrier Deposition, Substrate Slope and Underlying Stratigraphy in Barrier Island Response to Sea Level Rise: Insights from the Virginia Barrier Islands, Mid-Atlantic Bight, U.S.A.
MS Thesis. Advisor: Laura Moore, University of Virginia, 2012.
Elizabeth C. Smith
Incentive Mechanisms and the Provision of Public Goods: Testing Alternative Frameworks to Supply Ecosystem Restoration
Ph.D dissertation. Advisor: Stephen Swallow, University of Rhode Island, 2012.
Kelly L. Hondula
Using multiple stable isotopes including deuterium to trace organic matter in a
complex near-shore lagoon
MS Thesis. Advisor: Michael Pace, University of Virginia, 2012.
Jaclyn Vick Woody encroachment mechanisms of a symbiotic n-fixing shrub: Ecophysiology, facilitation, and resource use efficiency.
Ph.D Dissertation. Advisor: Don Young, Biology, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2011.
Luke William Cole
Inputs and fluxes of nitrogen in the Virginia coastal bays: Effects of newly-restored
seagrasses on the nitrogen cycle
Ph.D dissertation. Advisor: Karen McGlathery, University of Virginia, 2011.
Joel A. Carr
Stability and Resilience of Seagrasses in Shallow Coastal Bays
Ph.D dissertation. Advisor: Karen McGlathery, University of Virginia, 2011.
MS Thesis. Advisor:Laura Moore, University of Virginia, 2011.
Clara S. Funk
Factors contributing to spatial variability of N2O fluxes in a Virginia salt marsh.
MS Thesis. Advisor:Todd Scanlon, University of Virginia, 2011.
Christopher Olcott
Impacts of Nitrogen Addition on the Monthly Above- and Belowground Production of Spartina alternijlora in a Virginia Marsh
Advisor:Linda Blum, Undergraduate Thesis. University of Virginia, 2011.
Paul G. Probasco
Riparian Buffer Landscape Effects on Groundwater Flow Paths and Nitrate Occurrences in Groundwater near Streams of the Eastern Shore of Virginia.
MS Thesis. Advisor: Janet Herman, University of Virginia, May 2010
Sean M. McLoughlin
Erosional processes along salt marsh edges on the Eastern Shore of Virginia.
MS Thesis. Advisors: Patricia Wiberg & Karen McGlathery, University of Virginia, 2010.
Justin Shafer
Interisland variability of dune plant community structure
on Virginia's barrier islands.
MS Thesis. Advisor: Frank Day, Old Dominion University, 2010.
Stephanie Anne Harbeson
An investigation of nutrient transfer in a restored eelgrass, Zostera marina, meadow
Ph.D dissertation. Advisor: Stephen Macko, University of Virginia, 2010.
Staci Blecha
Inter-island variability in above and belowground plant biomass in interior marshes on the Virginia barrier islands.
MS Thesis. Advisor: Frank Day, Old Dominion University, 2010.
Christine M. Voss
Responses of dominant marsh macrophytes to inundation and disturbance and assessing marsh ecosystem services.
Advisor:Robert Christian. Ph.D Dissertation, East Carolina University, 2009.
Amber K. Hardison
Interactions between macroalgae and the sediment microbial community: Nutrient cycling within shallow coastal bays
Advisors:Iris Anderson and Elizabeth Canuel. Ph.D Dissertation, College of William & Mary, 2009.
Samuel Austin Flewelling
Nitrogen Storage and Removal in Catchments on the Eastern Shore of Virginia
Advisor:Aaron Mills. Ph.D Dissertation, University of Virginia, 2009.
Thomas A. Szuba, Jr.
An Interdisciplinary Model of the Natural-Human System on the Eastern Shore of
Virginia (1880 and 1920): The Implications of Selected Technology and Socio-
Economic Factors on System Dynamics.
Advisors: Hank Shugart & Stephen Macko . Ph.D Dissertation, University of Virginia, 2009.
Steven T. Brantley
Consequences of shrub encroachment: linking changes in
canopy structure to shifts in the resource environment.
Advisor: Donald Young. Ph.D Dissertation, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2009.
Thomas Jan Mozdzer
Variation in the availability and utilization of dissolved organic nitrogen by the smooth cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora.
Advisors Jay Zieman, Ph.D Dissertation, University of Virginia, 2009.
Patricia Willis
The effect of hydroperiod on surface elevation and sediment accumulation in Philips Creek Salt Marsh, Virginia, USA. MA thesis. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
Advisor: Linda Blum. M.A. Thesis, University of Virginia, 2009.
Travis Robertson
Spatial patterns of bacterial abundance in a seagrass restoration site on the Eastern Shore of Virginia (USA).
Advisor: Linda Blum. M.A. Thesis, University of Virginia, 2009.
Wendy Marie Robertson
Diurnal Variations in Nitrate Concentrations in the Cobb Mill Creek, VA. PDF file
Advisors Janet Herman & Aaron Mills. M.S. Thesis, University of Virginia, 2009.
Advisor: Mark J. Brush & Iris C. Anderson.
M.S. Thesis, Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences, 2009.
Michael J. O'Connell Ecohydrology of Delmarva Peninsula barrier island forests and the application of lidar to
measure and monitor forest structure. PDF file
Advisor: H. Shugart
Ph.D Dissertation, University of Virginia, 2009.
Spencer Nathaniel Bissett.
Avian dispersal of the actinomycete Frankia across a barrier
island landscape.
Advisor: Donald Young.
MS Thesis, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2008.
Loreto Herraiz Gomez Spatial analyses and repletion of
Gargathy coastal lagoon. PDF file
Advisor: George Oertel
M.S. Thesis, Old Dominion University, 2008.
Andrew C. Hume Dissolved oxygen fluxes and ecosystem metabolism in an eelgrass (Zostera
marina) meadow measured with the novel eddy correlation technique. PDF file
Advisor: Peter Berg & Karen McGlathery.
M.S. Thesis, University of Virginia, 2008.
Sarah E. Lawson Physical and biological controls on sediment and nutrient fluxes in a temperate lagoon. PDF file
Advisor: Pat Wiberg & Karen McGlathery.
Ph.D Dissertation, University of Virginia, 2008.
Julie C. Naumann Linking physiological responses, chlorophyll fluorescence and
hyperspectral imagery to detect environmental stress in coastal plants. PDF file
Advisor: Donald Young.
Ph.D Dissertation, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2008.
Sheri Shiflett Avian seed dispersal on Virginia barrier islands: potential influence on vegetation
community structure and patch dynamics. PDF file
Advisor: Donald Young.
MS Thesis, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2008.
James C. Kathilankal Carbon and Energy Flow Dynamics in a Coastal Salt Marsh . PDF
Advisor: Jose Fuentes.
Ph.D Dissertation, University of Virginia, 2008.
Gina Marie Casciano
Soil fungal community patterns in a Virginia salt marsh.
Advisors: Linda Blum
M.S. Thesis, University of Virginia, 2007.
Chuanhui Gu
Hydrological Control on Nitrate Delivery through the Groundwater-Surface Water Interface. PDF file
Advisors: Aaron Mills, Janet Herman & George Hornberger.
Ph.D Dissertation, University of Virginia, 2007.
Joel Martin
A test of conditioned food aversion to control raccoon predation on the eggs of
ground-nesting shorebird species on the barrier islands of Virginia.
PDF file
Advisor: Raymond Dueser.
MS Thesis, Utah State University, 2007.
Jeremy D. FennellPhragmites australis patch characteristics in relation to watershed landcover patterns on the Eastern
Shore of Virginia.
PDF file
Advisor: Donald Young.
MS Thesis, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2008.
Jaclyn Kimber Vick Corticular photosynthetic dynamics for a coastal evergreen
shrub: Myrica cerifera.
PDF file
Advisor: Donald Young.
MS Thesis, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2008.
Brett A. McMillan Plant assemblage structure on barrier island
"pimple" dunes at the Virginia Coast Reserve
Long-Term Ecological Research site. PDF
Advisor: Frank Day.
Ph.D Dissertation, Old Dominion University, December 2007.
Effects of Inundation Regime and Plant Community on Soil Bacterial Communities in an
Eastern Shore, VA Salt Marsh. Advisor: L.K. Blum.
M.S. Thesis, Univerisity of Virginia. May 2007.
Seasonal and spatial variation in leaf area index, litter production and light levels in
Myrica cerifera shrub thickets across a barrier island chronosequence.
Advisor: D. Young. Virginia Commonwealth University. July 2005.
Evaluation of ecological network analysis for
ecosystem-based management. Advisor: Dr. Robert R.
Christian. Ph.D. Program in Coastal Resources Management,
East Carolina University. December 2005.
Utilization of dissolved organic nitrogen by the macrophytes Spartina alterniflora and Phragmites australis
Advisor: Jay Zieman, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia. May 2005.
Spatial and temporal variaions in dune vegetation, orthopteran
abundance, and herbivory damage on a Virginia Barrier Island. Advisor:
Donald Young, Virginia Commonwealth University. April 2005
The effects of Uca pugnax on pore water biochemistry in a
Spartina alternifora salt marsh. Advisor:
Jay Zieman, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia. May 2004.
Use of benthic macroinvertebrates to assess impacts of agricultural land use
in nontidal coastal plain streams. Advisors:
K. McGlathery and Jay Zieman, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia). August 2004.
Sediment suspension as a control on light availability in a coastal lagoon. Ph.D Dissertation, University of Virginia (Under direction of Dr.
K. McGlathery, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia). January 2004.
Macroalgal distribution patterns and ecological performances in a tidal coastal lagoon,
with emphasis on the non-indigenous Codium fragile ssp. tomentosoides. Ph.D Dissertation, University of Virginia (Under direction of Dr.
K. McGlathery, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia). August 2004.
Controls on benthic biodiversity and trophic interactions in a temperate
coastal lagoon. Ph.D Dissertation, University of Virginia (Under direction of Dr.
K. McGlathery, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia). May 2004.
Interactions between endosymbiont-bearing infaunal bivalves and the biogeochemistry of
Thalassia testudinum sediments. University of Virginia (Under direction of Dr.
J.C. Zieman, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia). May 2004.
The influence of the marsh grasshopper, Orchelium fidicinium, on nutrient cycling and productivity of Spartina alterniflora in a salt marsh environment. University of Virginia (Under direction of Dr.
J.C. Zieman, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia). May 2004.
Salt Marsh Biogeochemistry and Sediment Organic Matter Accumulation
(Under the direction of Dr. L.K. Blum) Department
of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia. January 2004.
Spatial patterns in microbial communities. Ph.D. Dissertation.
(Under the direction of Dr. A.L. Mills) Department
of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia. 2004.
Spatial profiles of sediment denitrification at the ground water
– surface water interface in Cobb Mill Creek on the Eastern Shore of Virginia.
M.S. Thesis. (Under the direction of Dr. A.L. Mills) Department of
Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia. 2004.
Relationships between watershed characteristics and
base flow nutrient discharges
to eastern shore coastal lagoons, Virginia (Under direction of Dr. Iris Anderson, Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences). May 2003.
Nest-Site Selection and Hatching Success of Four Waterbird Species
in Coastal Virginia (Under the direction of Dr. R.M. Erwin) Department
of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia. January 2003.
Impact of Benthic Algae on Dissolved Organic Nitrogen
in a Temperate, Coastal Lagoon. University of Virginia (Under direction of Dr.
Karen McGlathery, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia).
May 2002.
Long term residual effects of a nutrient addition on a barrier
island dune ecosystem. Old Dominion University (Under direction of Dr.
Frank Day, Dept. of Biology, Old Dominion University). August 2002.
Comparison of the fate of dissolved organic matter in two coastal
systems: Hog Island Bay, VA (USA) and Plum Island Sound, MA (USA). M.S.
Thesis, Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences, College of William and
Mary (Under direction of Dr.Iris Anderson). December 2002.
and process of headward erosion in salt marsh tidal creeks. M.S. Thesis,
East Carolina University. (Under the direction of Mark M. Brinson)
Department of Biology. December 2002.
The effects of deer trampling in a salt
marsh. M.S. Thesis, East Carolina University. (Under the direction of
Dr. Robert R. Christian) Department of Biology. September 2002.
The effect of nitrogen fertilization on
short-term fine root dynamics in a barrier
island dune community. Old Dominion University (Under direction of Dr.
Frank Day, Dept. of Biology, Old Dominion University). May 2001.
High marsh plant community response to sea-level induced high marsh
subsidence and ecosystem state change. (Under the direction of Dr.
Robert R. Christian) Department of Biology, East Carolina University.
July 2001.
Mammalian Predator Distribution and Abundance on the
Virginia Barrier Islands in Relation to Breeding Habitats of Colonial
Birds. Utah State University, advisor Raymond D. Dueser.
Abundance and distribution variation of dragonflies in a salt marsh
in response to hydrology and daily ambient temperature (Undergraduate
Thesis under the direction of Dr. Robert R. Christian) Department of
Biology, East Carolina University. 2001.
An analysis of the energetic budgets of grasses to
assess the effectiveness of different competitive
strategies. Ph.D dissertation, under the direction of Dr. Frank Day) Department of
Biology, Old Dominion University. 2001.
Controls on Near-Surface Soil Moisture Dynamics within a Tidal Marsh-Forested Upland
Coastal Environment. M.S. Thesis, University of Virginia. Advisor Patricia Wiberg. August
Primary production of Distichlis spicata and Spartina patens and effects of increased inundation on a salt marsh. (under the direction of Dr. Robert R. Christian) Department of Biology, East Carolina University, May 2000.
Stable Isotope Analysis of Intrapopulation, Spatial, and Temporal
Variation of Laughing Gull (Larus atricilla) Diets in the Virginia Coast
Reserve and Jamaica Bay, New York, MS. Thesis, Univerisity of Virginia,
advisors Steven Macko and R. Michael Erwin
The Use of Network Analysis to Compare The Nitrogen Cycles of Three
Salt Marsh Zones Experiencing Relative Sea-Level Rise.
1998. East Carolina University, advisor Dr. Robert Christian.
Influences of tidal litter (Wrack) and microtopography on strand species and on
community composition. 1998. Virginia Commonwealth University, advisor Don Young.
Low marsh succession along an over-wash salt marsh chronosequence. 1998. PhD. Dissertation. University of Virginia.
Charlottesville VA, 211 pp. Advisor: Jay Zieman
Geomorphological and Hydrological Controls on Pattern and Process in a
Developing Barrier Island Salt Marsh. 1997. University of Virginia, advisors
Jay C. Zieman, Bruce Hayden, Steven Macko, Jeff Raffensperger.
Effects of Inundation and Vegetation on Microbial Metabolism of Dissolved Orgaic Carbon. 1996.
M.S. Thesis, University of Virginia. advisor: Linda K. Blum
Fish Assemblage Structure in Shallow Water Habitats on the Eastern Shore of Virginia Barrier Islands. 1996.
M.S. Thesis, University of Virginia. advisor: David E. Smith
Effects of Increased Inundation and Wrack Deposition on a
Saltmarsh Plant Community. 1996. East Carolina University, advisors
Robert R. Christian, Dr. Mark M. Brinson, Claudia L. Jolls, Kevin O'Brien
Variation in the Marsh Rice Rat, Oryzomys palustris, and the White-footed
Mouse, Peromyscus leucopus, on the Virginia Barrier Islands and Southern
Delmarva Peninsula. 1995. Virginia Commonwealth University, advisors
John F. Pagels, Nancy Moncrief, and Donald Young.
A Stable C and N Isotope Study of Marsh Sediments Cattleshed Creek,
Virginia Coast Reserve. 1995. University of Virginia, advisors
Stephen A. Macko and Linda Blum.
The Effects Of Altered Inundation And Wrack Deposition
on Nitrification, Denitrification, and the Standing Stocks
of NO 3 - and NO 2 - . (Under the direction of Robert R. Christian, Ph.D.) Department
of Biology, August 1995.
The role of nitrogen availability, hydroperiod and litter quality in
root decomposition along a barrier island chronosequence. Ph.D
Dissertation under the direction of Dr. Frank Day, Department of
Biology, Old Dominion University. 1994
A corrected table of contents
is also available
Aboveground biomass and net primary productivity along a Virginia barrier island dune chronosequence. 1994. M.S. Thesis, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA. pp. 50. Advisor: F. Day.
The effect of nitrogen fertilization on the phenology of roots in a barrier island sand dune community. 1994. M.S. Thesis, Old Dominion University. Advisor: F. Day.
Patterns of Habitat Use by Sub-Adult Marsh Nekton: Comparison
Between Tidal Freshwater and Salt Marshes. 1994. University of
Virginia, advisor Dave Smith.
Interactions between passerines and woody plants at a migratory stop over site: fruit consumption and the potential for seed dispersal.
Advisor: A. Bulger, M.S. Thesis, Univerisity of Virginia. August 1993.
The effects of overwash on the vegetation of a Virginia barrier island. M.A. thesis. College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA. 104 pp., 1978 - focusing on Cedar Island.