VCR_LTER_IIIThe Virginia Coast Reserve (VCR) is a dynamic, frequently disturbed landscape with elements that differ in degrees normally associated with biome-level differences.The types of ecosystem changes that normally occur across large distances (continents, biomes) and over long periods of time (e.g. glacial and interglacial periods) happen on decadal time-scales. As a result, ecosystem state changes are frequent. The central research theme of the VCR LTER project is the understanding of the dynamics of ecosystem state change, both the transitions among ecosystem states and succession within these states. Our approach will be to continue to study succession within several of the more prominent states (Myrica thickets, forests and salt marshes) and the response of these states to disturbance. This will be accomplished by research in the NSF-defined LTER network core areas as well as additional VCR- established areas examining states and state changes that have occurred at the VCR. In addition, we have implemented manipulative experiments (alteration of inundation patterns in marshes and alteration of the availability of fresh water to terrestrial vegetation on a barrier island) that will allow us to accomplish our goal of understanding within-state ecological processes and their controls, as well as the forces resulting in alteration of states.The products of the proposed work will be the development of a new theoretical base for maintenance and structuring of landscape, further elucidation of controls on ecosystem processes, and new ecosystem and landscape modeling approaches.