Lauren Brideau+0 to Cobb Island at 13:30:00
- Description:
- Tom taking Lauren Brideau+0 to Cobb Island
Start: 13:30:00 Return: 19:00:00
Embark at Oyster on Any
Tom and Gunnar will run this trip. Leave around 1:30 pm to get there around mid-tide on the rising tide for better boating access.
Low Tides at Oyster Harbor: 11:04 AM
- Description:
Michael R Cornish +0 to South Bay at 10:00:00
- Description:
- Amelie taking Michael R Cornish +0 to South Bay
Start: 10:00:00 Return: 13:30:00
Embark at Oyster on Any
Sophia off
- Description:
- Sophia off
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