Art running 24' Priv. for TNC
- Description:
- Art using ABCRC 24' Privateer to help with TNC group field trip. Leaving public boat docks in Oyster at 9:00 AM for South Bay, Cobb and Wreck Islands. Should be back at dock by 2:00 PM
Boat: Arthur Schwarzschild:South Bay and TBD:ABCRC Dock:8 people
- Description:
- Arthur Schwarzschild: South Bay and TBD: 8 people
Start 09:00:00 Return 16:00:00 Embark at :ABCRC Dock
Boat: Dana Gulbransen:mudflat to west of mockhorn:ABCRC Dock:1 people
- Description:
- Dana Gulbransen: mudflat to west of mockhorn: 1 people
Start 12:00:00 Return 16:00:00 Embark at :ABCRC Dock
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