There are a number of research projects either completed or on-going at the VCR which have been awarded to PIs to the VCR LTER and are supported by non-LTER sources. The PIs involved, funding source, funding amount and topic are summarized in Table HH. The total of these funds approximately matches NSF core grant support on a 1 for 1 basis.
In addition, there are number of scientists working at the VCR for which the LTER has provided some form of support from logistical to collecting specimens. These people include:
Ms. Ruth Beck -- avian ecology, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va.
Dr. R. Michael Erwin -- fish biology, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Patuxent, Md.
Mr. James Hill -- avian ecology, Maryland Natural Heritage Program, Annapolis, Md.
Dr. Hiro -- genetics, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va.
Dr. Richard Mills -- insect ecology, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Va.
Dr. George Simmons -- hydrology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Va
Dr. Soneneshine -- epidemiology, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Va
Dr. R. Wayne Tyndall -- plant ecology, Maryland Natural Heritage Program, Annapolis, Md.
Dr. Brian Watt -- avian ecology, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va.
Dr. Richard Wetzel -- estuarine ecology, Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences, Glouchester, Va.
Dr. Robert Kretsinger -- biology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va
Support from The Nature Conservancy -- The Nature Conservancy staff of the Virginia Coast Reserve has served in a research partnership role since the start up of our LTER. The have contributed in a significant way by 1) assisted with the development of our research lab at Oyster, Virginia, 2) provided boat transportation when we had special needs, 3) provided access to their facility at the Machipongo Station on Hog Island, 4) provided research support for joint ventures, 5) have joined with us in getting our science out to the public, and 6) on the part of Barry Truitt have made significant scientific observations that have helped us in our research planning.
Bonan, G. B., B. P. Hayden. 1990b. Using a forest stand simulation model to examine the ecological and climatic significance of the late-Quarternary pine-spruce pollen zone in Eastern Virginia, U. S. A. Quarternary Res. 33:204-218
Christian, R.R.,W.L. Bryant, Jr., & M.M. Brinson.1990. Juncus roemerianus production and decomposition along gradients of salinity and hydroperiod. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 68:137-145.
Dueser, R.D. 1990. Biota of the Virginia Barrier Islands: symposium introduction. Va. J. Sci. 41:4A:257-258.
Fahrig, L. B. 1990. Relative importance of spatial and temporal scales in a patchy environment. Theoret. Pop. Biol. 34:194-213.
Fahrig, L., B. Hayden and R. Dolan 1993. Distribution of barrier island plants in relation to overwash disturbance: a test of life history theory. J. of Coastal Research.
Harvey, J., P. Germann, W.E. Odum. 1987. Geomorphlogical control of subsurface hydrology in the creek bank zone of tidal marshes. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Sci. 25:677-691.
Hayden, B.P., R.D. Dueser, J.T. Callahan, H.H. Shugart. 1991. Long-term research at the Virginia Coast Reserve: modeling a highly dynamic environment. BioScience. 41:310-318.
Kochel, R.C., L.A. Wampfler. 1989. Relative role of overwash and aeolian processes on washover Fans, Assateague Island, Virginia - Maryland. J. Coastal Res. 5:453-475.
Oertel, G.F, J. C. Kraft, M. S. Kearnery, H.J. Woo. 1993. A rational theory for barrier lagoon development. SEPM: Special Publication #48. Quarternary Coasts of the United States: Marine and Lacustrine Systems.
Odum, W.E. 1988. Comparative ecology of tidal freshwater and salt marshes. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Systematics 19:147-176.
Osgood, D., J.C. Zieman. 1992. A comparison of physical and chemical properties of substrate in different aged barrier island marshes. Estuaries 16(4):815-826.
Porter, J.H. and J.L. Dooley, Jr. 1993. Animal dispersal patterns: a reassessment of simple mathematical models. Ecology 74:2436-2443.
Rastetter, E.B. 1991. A spatially explicit model of vegetation-habitat interactions on barrier islands, p. 353-378. In M.G. Turner, R. H. Gardner (eds.), Quantitative methods in landscape ecology. Ecological Studies 82, Springer-Verlag, NY.
Ray, G.C., B.P. Hayden. 1992. Coastal zone ecotones. p. 408-420. In Hansen, A.J., et al. (eds.), Landscape boundaries: consequences for biotic diversity and ecological flows. Springer-Verlag, NY.
Sande, E. and D.R. Young. 1992. Effect of sodium chloride on the growth and nitrogenase activity of Myrica cerifera seedlings. New Phytologist 120: 345-350.
Shugart. H.H. 1990. Ecological models and the ecotone, p. 23-36. In R.J. Naiman, H. deChampes (eds.), Ecology and management of aquatic terrestrial Ecotones. Pantheon Publishing.
Shugart, H.H., G.B. Bonan, D.L. Urban, W.K. Lauenroth, W.J. Parton, G.M. Hornberger. 1989. Computer models and long-term ecological research, p. 217- 266. In W. Goerke (ed), Long-term ecological research: a global perspective. The German National Committee for the UNESCO- Programme, "Man and the Biosphere" (MAB), Bonn, DDR.
Young, D.R., E. Sande and G.A. Peters. 1992. Spatial relationships of Frankia and Myrica cerifera on a Virginia, USA barrier island. Symbiosis 12: 209-229.
Young, D.R. 1992. Photosynthetic characteristics and potential moisture stress for the actinorhizal shrub, Myrica cerifera, on a Virginia barrier island. American Journal of Botany 79: 2-7.