Figure 1. Distribution of permanent plots on north Parramore Island showing range of vegetation zones covered. Plots have been overlain onto a 2 m. resolution false color image. (note: plot radii not to scale.)

Figure 2. Example of post-survey plot location adjustment. Blue lines represent preselected plot location and boundary, green are same after adjustment. Astericks represent surveyed stem locations, with larger stems surrounded by a circle. The location was shifted approximately 8 m. northeast for a better fit between canopy clusters (bright areas of image) and gaps (shadow areas) with surveyed locations. That such a shift was needed had been noted in the field.

Figure 3. Schematic diagram of plot design.

Figure 5. Example of principlal component mapping. Red cedar, loblolly pine, Celtis, and Baccharis were positively correlated with component 3; red bay was negatively correlated. Plots with strongest correlation scores shown in red.