John J. DiLustro and Frank P. Day
Aboveground biomass was examined along the Hog Island dune chronosequence. The
dominant species were Ammophila breviligulata and Spartina
patens. Aboveground biomass was harvested monthly from ten quadrats on
dunes 6, 24, 36, and 120 years old. Sampling was conducted from April to
November 1993. Biomass values were greater for younger dunes. Total
aboveground biomass decreased with increasing site age and ranged from 152 g
m-2 on the 120 year old dune to 205 g m-2 on the 6 year
old dune in October 1993. Spartina patens biomass was greater than
Ammophila breviligulata for the 6, 24, and 36 year old dune ridges. It
also showed a pattern of decreasing biomass with increasing dune age; in July
it ranged from 72 g m-2 to 5 g
m-2. The same month showed less variation in Ammophila
breviligulata; it increased from 17 g m-2 to 39 g
m-2 across increasing dune age. Ammophila
breviligulata had greater biomass for only the 120 year old dune. Net
aboveground primary productivity did not vary greatly among different age
dunes. There appeared to be a midsummer decline in biomass due to drought
conditions. The aboveground net primary production (ANPP) from the sum of
species peaks was 259 g m-2yr-1 for the 6 year old dune,
226 g m-2yr-1 for the 24 year old dune, 256 g
m-2yr-1 for the 36 year old dune and 274 g
m-2yr-1 for the 120 year old dune. Nitrogen and
phosphorus concentrations in plant tissue were low. Biomass and nutrient
values are reflective of production in a stressed environment. The variation
in production of aboveground biomass across dune age may be controlled by
moisture, microclimatic conditions and soil nitrogen levels.