9am staff meeting
- Description:
- 9am staff meeting
Andrew E White+2 to Hog Island at 07:00:00
- Description:
- Gunnar taking Andrew E White+2 to Hog Island
Start: 07:00:00 Return: 15:00:00
Embark at Willis Wharf on Any
Gunnar dropping Hog Island crew off, then doing bathymetry in Hog Bay with Tyler
Low Tides at Oyster Harbor: 03:51 AM and 03:40 PM
- Description:
- Low Tides at Oyster Harbor: 03:51 AM and 03:40 PM
MET Stations this week
- Description:
- MET Stations this week
Marion A McKenzie+1 to Other Cobb Island Bay at 14:30:00
- Description:
- Sophia taking Marion A McKenzie+1 to Other Cobb Island Bay
Start: 14:30:00 Return: 16:30:00
Embark at Oyster on Any
Moira G Taylor+1 to Cobb Island at 08:30:00
- Description:
- Sophia taking Moira G Taylor+1 to Cobb Island
Start: 08:30:00 Return: 12:00:00
Embark at Oyster on Any
Tyler Barnes+0 to Hog Island Bay at 07:00:00
- Description:
- Gunnar taking Tyler Barnes+0 to Hog Island Bay
Start: 07:00:00 Return: 13:00:00
Embark at Willis Wharf on Any
5:00am |
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11:00am |
12:00pm |
1:00pm |
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5:00pm |
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9:00pm |