

Following is a summary of the line (arc) attributes which are
present in the ArcView coverage H_100K. They may be selected using attribute
LTFREQ and the corresponding number, or by the attribute LINETYPE and
the corresponding character string. FREQUENCY lists the number of
occurences for each attribute in this line coverage.

This map was created by linking 7 USGS 1:100,000 scale DLG files and
eliminating all boundary lines (DLG files: ze1.hyf05,ze1.hyf06,ze3.hyf01,
ze3.hyf02,ze3.hyf05,ze3.hyf06,rh4.hyf04,rh4.hyf08). USGS major and minor
attribute codes present in this map coverage are also summarized
below. Major code 50 is HYDROLOGIC FEATURES. These codes may also be
used to select, or isolate, particular features.

Arcs without data, and empty attribute columns, are labeled major and
minor code -99999.


LTFREQ         LINETYPE                         FREQUENCY
    1          abandoned_spoil_area                    1             
    2          channel                                16            
    3          channel/marsh/tidal_flat_boundary     766                     
    4          closure_line                          158                  
    5          lake/impoundment/tidal_pool           170                     
    6          northern_county_boundary               16                      
    7          shoreline                            1416    
    8          shoreline/creekbank                   288    
    9          spoil_area                             11        
   10          stream                                379

  50     200   Shoreline
  50     202   Closure line
  50     204   Apparent limit
  50     412   Stream
  50     419   Channel in water area
  50     424   Spoil area, dredged area, or dump area
  50     605   Right bank
  50     606   Left bank
  50     610   Intermittent
  50     611   Abandoned or discontinued