
Thursday, January 14, 1999

8:00 a - Welcome and introductions


8:30a – The concept of a biodiversity observatory and a network of observatories: the larger NSF and national context


9:00a Summary and discussion of the first workshop and its final report: 3 components – Research, Observatories, Center


10:00a Research component of BON : Colwell, Martin, Estes, Sauer

    1. Spatial/scope research issues: Colwell, Martin
    1. Intellectual research issues: Estes, Sauer

12 Noon Lunch

1:30p Observatory component of BON: Willig, Harris, Reichman

    1. What is a site? Who can be a site?: Willig
    2. Site location: Willig

3. Minimum specifications: Harris

4. The ATBI question: Reichman

5:30 End of Day 1 – Dinner and libation

Friday, January 15, 1999

8:00a Taking stock: Review of Day 1 conclusions concerning Research and Observatory Sites: Krishtalka

8:30a International context: report from the IBOY meeting


9:00a Center component of BON: Nature of the Center – Beach, Arzberger, Waide

    1. Scope of activities: informatics, genomics, research (tools, protocols, etc), coordination to ensure cross-site compatibility and comparisons; education
    2. Data standards and comparable protocols
    3. Level of support
    4. Center models

11:00a BON program: sequence of component RFPs and funding: Hayden

12 Noon Lunch

1:30p Governance of BON: Reichman

2:00p Breakout groups: write/print first drafts of three components and distribute to plenary

4:00p Reports of three breakout groups to plenary; first iteration discussion and revision

5:30p Dinner and libation (work in evening if necessary by selected few to revise breakout reports?)


Saturday, January 16, 1999

8:00a Continued reports of three breakout groups to plenary; Second iteration discussion and revision

10:00a Discussion/resolution of issues still not settled at this point

11:00a Scheduling tasks and task assignments to produce final report

12:30 Workshop adjourns