Distribution of barrier island overwash disturbance

This dataset contains information on estimated disturbance probabilities for Hog Island VA.

Data citation:

Fahrig, L., B. Hayden and R. Dolan 1993. Distribution of barrier island overwash disturbance. A data publication of the Virginia Coast LTER.

Other relevant citations:

Fahrig, L., B. Hayden and R. Dolan 1993. Distribution of barrier island plants in relation to overwash disturbance: A test of life history theory. J. Coastal Research. 9(2):403-412.

From lfahrig@ccs.carleton.ca Thu Jun 11 10:22:56 1992

I am sending a file that is actually a SAS program for reading in the dataset that I used in the calculations. The columns are:

map: base map number (i.e., the map number that Dolan/Hayden used for their rectangular blocks of coastline)

trans: transect number from south to north for that map

The remaining columns refer to a point on the transect at which there is a transition between vegetation communities (as defined by McCaffrey and digitized by LTER):

utm1: first utm co-ord for transition point (zone 18, NAD27)

utm2: second utm co-ord for transition point

unit: unit number for the vegetation community type that we are moving INTO. We are moving along the transect from the sea side to the mainland side of the island. The unit numbers are the numbers that you used when digitizing the map. For example, note that the first observation for every transect has unit number 7 since this is the number for sand.

Editors note: Vegetation unit number refers to the mapping units used by McCaffrey, C.A. and R.D. Dueser. 1990. Plant associations on the Virginia Barrier Islands. Virginia Journal of Science 41(4A):282-299. The digital versions of the vegetation maps are also available on the VCR LTER information server.

Unit numbers are listed below along with the corresponding vegetation class.

      0        w        Water/background
      1        A        Foredune Grassland
      2        G        Dense Grassland
      3        AG       Beachgrass Dunes/ Dense Grassland Dunes
      4        g        Sparse Grassland
      5        Ag       Foredune - Sparse Grassland Complex
      6        At       Open Dunes - Thicket Complex
      7        B        Beach
      8        T        Tall Thicket
      9        AT       Open Dunes - Thicket Complex
     10        t        Low Thicket
     11        J        Juniper Thicket
     12        P        Pine Forest
     13        H        Hardwood Forest
     14        PH       Pine-Hardwood Forest Complex
     15        m        Low Salt Marsh
     16        Mm       Upper Low Salt Marsh
     17        M        Brackish Marsh
     18        s        Salt Flat
     19        F        Fresh Marsh
     20        w        Open Water
     21        dr       Drift
     22        b        Submerged Sand
     23        uw       Underwater Flora (or Fauna)
     24        peat     "Peat" Outcrops
     25        wf       Wash Flat
     26        mf       Mud Flat

dist: distance along the transect (from the sea) in m for that transition point prob: index of disturbance probability at that point (method of calculation in the ms) Click HERE for a copy of the data. Please properly acknowledge use of this data in accordance with the VCR LTER Data Management Policy.